If you are looking for a way to get rid of the odorous gas you have in your body, you can try chlorophyllin, which is a combination of chlorophyll and copper. Not only does chlorophyll treat bad gas, it also can get rid of malodorous smells like bad breath. Chlorophyllin absorbs into your body and has deodorizing properties to get rid of bad odors that you might expel throughout the day. Read our review of Nature’s Way Chlorofresh to see how effective it is in getting rid of body odor.


  • chlorophyllin
  • sodium

Chlorophyllin is a combination of chlorophyll and copper. Both of these ingredients are easily digested, and can absorb malodorous chemicals in your body and remove the odors through your bowel movements. The added ingredient of sodium makes this combination more easily and quickly absorbed into your system. There are other chlorophyll products that have ingredients to improve your breath, like peppermint, and have acidophilus, to renew healthy bacteria in your gut. Most of the malodorous gas you expel is from digesting foods, so probiotics help get rid of bacteria that causes smelly gas.

Dosage Instructions

Take two capsules once or twice a day. If you don’t see any effects, you can take an additional two capsules. Make sure not to go over six capsules a day. For just two capsules a day, this dosage is too low. Other chlorophyll supplements have 200 mg of chlorophyllin per three capsules, and two capsules of Chlorofresh contains just 100 mg of chlorophyllin. Less chlorophyllin will be less effective in getting rid of bad odors.  

Side Effects

Taking too much chlorophyllin may cause your poop to turn green, but this isn’t something to be worried about. If you have cramps or diarrhea, however, stop using this supplement immediately. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, ask a doctor before starting this supplement.

Price & Guarantee

For a bottle containing 90 capsules, it costs around $9 depending on the supplier. Chlorofresh is not available through Nature’s Way website. There is no discounts, coupons, or guarantee from Nature’s Way. Although one bottle is only $9, if a customer is interested in buying more than one bottle, usually companies offer bulk discounts. This product is cheap, but the lack of guarantee makes purchasing this product a risk. Other products with chlorophyll have at least a 60-day guarantee in case they don’t work and a customer can return a bottle for a full refund.

Conclusion of Nature’s Way Chlorofresh

Chlorofresh is a supplement to help get rid of malodorous gases with the help of chlorophyll and copper. It is relatively cheap compared to other chlorophyll products on the market. However, its low dosage of chlorophyllin and lack of guarantee makes this product undesirable. The customer is better off choosing a supplement that has a higher chance of working and can be returned for a full refund.

Brought to you by our expert team at Authority Health.

Joel is a men’s health and wellness expert, well versed in the areas of bodybuilding and muscle gain. He is self-taught and trains daily. He lives what he preaches and loves to inspire others. He qualified, many years ago, as a paramedic but soon learned that was not the path he wanted to follow. That said, the qualities needed to be a paramedic have served him well in helping him understand the workings of the body and how to optimize it!

His personal drive and motivation to look and feel his best is what led him to train as a personal trainer and he qualified from the Australian College of Sport and Fitness, Melbourne where he was living at the time.

He is vegan, as his wife and children, and loves how such a diet makes him feel. Joel is well known in his local community in San Diego, regularly speaking at schools and other events about the importance of staying healthy and fit.

In his spare time, Joel participates in extreme sports from kite surfing to ice climbing.