
What is athlete’s foot?

Out of all the fungal skin infections, athlete’s foot is the most common. It is a very itchy rash on the skin of the foot. Athlete’s foot is divided into three main types which affect different parts of the foot and may look different.

The symptoms, typically, of all three are a burning sensation on your feet and the skin between your toes will itch. The skin will also peel and crack.

The 3 different types are:

1. Toe web infection

This type of infection usually surfaces between the fourth and fifth toes. It is here that the skin will become scaly, will peel and start to crack. Should bacteria filter its way into this area, the skin will continue to break down.

2. Moccasin type infection


You may start to feel sore on your foot with this type of infection. The skin below or the heel may become thick and start to crack. In really bad cases, the toenails get infected and will proceed to thicken, crumble and, unfortunately, may even fall out. Know that fungal infections in toenails may need separate treatment.

3. Vesicular type infection

Vesicular type infection can be painful and is very uncomfortable. It usually will start off with a sudden outbreak of fluid-filled blisters found underneath the skin. The blisters will usually be on the bottom of the foot although they can find their way anywhere on the foot. You may also find yourself with a bacterial infection with this type of athlete’s foot.

What causes Athlete’s Foot?

Firstly, know that athlete’s foot is very contagious. It is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of skin. Fungi enjoy places where it is warm and wet. That is where they grow best, such as the area between the toes.

As stated previously, it is very contagious and you can get it just by touching the toes or feet of a person who has it. Often people who are involved in sport get it as they are constantly in locker rooms and swimmers often fall prey to it as they constantly walk near wet surfaces that may be contaminated. That is why it is so important to know that, when finished with a gym workout, one should wear flip flops in the shower and not expose bare feet.


Once contaminated, the fungi will then grow in your shoes, especially if shoes are so tight that air cannot move around the feet and toes. Also, should you ever be caught in the rain, it’s important to dry your feet, change socks and shoes as to not attract any kind of fungi.

Also note that if you even touch something that has fungi on it, athlete’s foot can spread to other people, even if you don’t infect yourself. Some people are more vulnerable than others with regards to getting athlete’s foot and once they have had it they are likely to get it again.

What you can do to prevent athlete’s foot

  • You need to keep feet clean and dry since fungi need wet and warm places to grow.
  • Wear shower sandals in shared areas like locker rooms.
  • Use talcum powder to help keep feet dry.
  • Wear sandals or shoes made of materials that allow moisture to escape.

How to treat athlete’s foot


Athlete’s foot can be treated at home with over-the-counter lotion, cream, or sprays. Some doctors will even prescribe you pills or special topical treatments for the skin. We found an outstanding product that not only addresses and targets the skin of the foot and the places in between and under the toes but also targets fungi that appears on the nail of the foot. This amazing product comes in the form of a liquid that comes with a brush applicator. It is called Athlete’s Foot Clear. What follows is a review of Athlete’s Foot Clear.

Athlete’s Foot Clear

1. Ingredients

This product contains only high-quality ingredients which mean better results for you.

Athlete’s Foot Clear contains ingredients that:

  • Soothe the affected area and reduce inflammation.
  • Hydrate and soothe the skin.
  • Have strong antifungal effects.
  • Works as an analgesic, relieving pain.
  • Work as an anti-itching agent.
  • Repair damage such as blisters and cracked skin.
  • Work as an antiseptic.
  • Work as an antimicrobial.
  • Maintain a healthy balance of yeast within the body to ensure limited candida overgrowth.
  • Work as a moisturizer to nourish and treat dry, rough, itchy and scaly skin as well as minor skin irritations.

Some of these high-quality ingredients include:

  • Undecylenic Acid (the most important ingredient needed for this kind of treatment)
  • Flax Seed Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Aloe Vera
  • Propolis
  • Lavender oil

Good to Know: These specific ingredients were selected by a team of doctors as well as scientific researchers based on clinical data and designed to achieve amazing results more efficiently than any other athlete’s foot product available on the market.

2. Athlete’s Foot Clear’s 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


The company is so confident in this spectacular product that it offers a full 60-day money-back guarantee! This allows you to try out the product for 60 days without any financial risk. Even better, you can return opened bottles for a refund which most companies do not offer.

3. Amazing Purchasing Options

The manufacturer offers many purchasing options that will suit your budget. You can buy one bottle for $49.95 all the way to a six-bottle package for a total cost of $139.80. This brings the cost down to only $23.30 which is a whopping 67% off the original price.All these amazing offers are easily available to buy online directly from the manufacturer’s website.

Conclusion of Our Athlete’s Foot Clear Review

Athlete’s foot is a condition that is uncomfortable and hard to deal with as our feet are so precious to us and sometimes we don’t realise this until problems arise. Thankfully, Athlete’s Foot Clear is here to save the day and put our weary feet at ease!

In terms of high quality and purity of ingredients, there is nothing else on the market that comes close to Athlete’s Foot Clear! It really seems to be an excellent product and that’s why we recommend it so highly.

Brought to you by our expert team at Authority Health.

Jules is an enthusiastic yogi who teaches early morning yoga workshops in central London. She has practiced yoga since childhood encouraged by her mother who is a yoga guru. She loves to practice yoga in the great outdoors and can be regularly found in a small ashram in Wales holding classes outside.

She is a keen blogger and has even dabbled in the occasional video on YouTube.

Her goal is to make yoga accessible to the masses and would love to see it as part of the schools’ national curriculum. She is currently training in mindfulness and believes that with these two tools (yoga and meditation), there is nothing in life that you cannot achieve.

Jules loves green tea, sculpting, and sharing positivity through the written word. She is a super positive ball of energy that loves to inspire and generate change. We are honored to have her on board.