
According to Wikipedia, the large intestine is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates. It is also known as the large bowel or colon. It is here that water is absorbed and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation.

Most sources define the large intestine as the combination of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. Some other sources exclude the anal canal.


The large intestine begins in the right iliac region of the pelvis, just at or below the waist, where it is joined to the end of the small intestine at the cecum, via the ileocecal valve. It then continues as the colon ascending the abdomen, across the width of the abdominal cavity as the transverse colon, and then descending to the rectum and its endpoint at the anal canal. Overall, in humans, the large intestine is about 1.5 metres (5 ft) long, which is about one-fifth of the whole length of the gastrointestinal tract.

The function of the colon is to reabsorb fluids and process waste products from the body and prepare for its elimination. The colon consists of four parts: descending colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon.

Problems with toxins in the colon lead to:

  • Weight Gain
  • Low Energy
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

The Benefits of Colon Cleansing are:

  • Makes the digestive system more effective.
  • Maintains regularity and prevents constipation.
  • Increases the body’s absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Kick starts weight loss.
  • Increases fertility (through fat loss).
  • Maintains pH balance in the bloodstream.
  • Improves whole body well-being.
  • Increases energy.

Choosing an Effective Colon Cleanse Product


With so many colon cleansing products to choose from, how do you decide which one to buy? Some products out there contain harmful ingredients which can result in serious side effects so it is always important to read the label of the product and see what is inside. We have done some research to help with your purchasing decision. We found a product that seems to surpass all expectations. This product is Colonax and our review will provide you with all the information you need to know about what makes this product a top pick. It is manufactured in the USA in an FDA registered laboratory that is also cGMP certified.

What is Colonax?

  • Cleanses - Colonox detoxes and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. It stimulates peristalsis to gently, yet effectively, internally cleanse, ridding the body of excess waste accumulated over time.
  • Balances - Colonox regulates levels within the stomach, therefore balancing healthy bacteria which then enhances good intestinal flora and reduce uncomfortable bloating and gas.
  • Maintains - Colonox maintains healthy intestinal balance to ensure a more effective system maintenance and function. Because of the added fiber, stools retain more water, therefore becoming looser, expelling waste more easily and comfortably.
  • Supports - Colonox provides optimal support for colon health as well as effective function. It boosts teh body’s natural defense mechanisms and nutrient deficiencies which then minimizes future risk of complications and disease associated with the colon.

Ingredients & Benefits

For the most effective results, choose a product that contains only high-quality ingredients That is what you will find in Colonax. The ingredients include:

  • Psyllium Husk - A bulking fiber that works to cleanse waste and toxins from the body.
  • Glucomannan - A natural water soluble fiber that helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body.
  • L-Acidophilus - A beneficial probiotic that helps prevent infections within the digestive tract caused by harmful microbes.
  • Apple Pectin - A good source of fiber to maintain healthy bowel movements to effectively eliminate waste and toxins.
  • Papaya Leaf - Contains papain which helps break down proteins and boosts a healthy digestive system.
  • Flax Seed Powder - Nourishes as well as moistens cell membranes, reduces inflammation, boosts metabolism and energy.
  • Mangosteen - Contains antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties which optimize intestinal health.
  • Bentonite Clay - Contains natural detoxification properties which naturally draw out toxins.
  • Black Walnut - Contains antibiotic, antifungal and astringent properties for optimizing intestinal health.
  • Prune Juice - Rich in dihydrophenylisatin which is a laxative that aids muscle contractions.
  • Oat Bran - High in soluble fiber, packed with vitamins and antioxidants to effectively cleanse the colon and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Aloe Vera - Contains aloin, a gentle and natural laxative aimed for the ultimate colon cleanse.

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


The company is so confident in this spectacular product that it offers a full 60-day money-back guarantee! With 60 days to decide whether this product actually works for you, you can ease your mind and try the product completely risk-free.

Our Colonax Review - The Bottom Line

Everybody wants a healthy intestine. Don’t allow going about during the day and getting things done being thwarted by feelings of fatigue, bloatedness, headaches and uncomfortable weight gain. In terms of quality and purity of ingredients, there is nothing else on the market that comes close to Colonax!

Brought to you by our expert team at Authority Health.

Juno received an MSc in Dietetics from Robert Gordon University in Scotland and is registered with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). As someone who has learned the value of healthy eating later in life, her passion is teaching younger children about the value of eating well. She offers hands-on, instructional classes to both children and adults to prepare healthy meals. In addition, she consults with local institutions and schools to promote healthy eating and advice on healthy meal preparation.

She has traveled the globe and been privileged to experience a wealth of cuisines, the Mediterranean diet being her favored (and healthiest) option. Juno loves creating in the kitchen and that is where she comes alive. According to Juno, “Food is medicine” and thinks that the adage of “we are what eat” should be the mantra we all should live by. Her big dream one day is to pen a cookbook with recipes from her travels but, for now, she is happy writing on her health and wellness blog.

She is married with 3 beautiful children, 2 Airedale Terriers, 4 cats and a guinea pig. She lives in the countryside of Southern England and loves nothing more than walking on the coast on a blustery day to blow away the cobwebs!